Source code for wdom.tag

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Web-connected HTML tag classes."""

import logging
from collections import Iterable
from typing import Any, Dict, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from types import new_class

from wdom.element import _AttrValueType
from wdom.element import (
from wdom.node import Node, NodeList
# Just export Comment/RawHtml/Text
from wdom.node import Comment, RawHtml, Text  # noqa: F401
from wdom.web_node import WdomElement

    from typing import List, Type  # noqa

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Tag(WdomElement): """Base class for html tags. ``HTMLElement`` requires to specify tag name when instanciate it, but this class and sublasses have default tag name and not need to specify it for each thier instances. """ #: Tag name used for this node. tag = 'tag' #: use for <input> tag's type type_ = '' #: custom element which extends built-in tag (like <table is="your-tag">) is_ = '' def __init__(self, *args: Any, attrs: Dict[str, _AttrValueType] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: D102 if attrs: kwargs.update(attrs) if self.type_ and 'type' not in kwargs: kwargs['type'] = self.type_ if self.is_ and 'is' not in kwargs and 'is_' not in kwargs: kwargs['is'] = self.is_ super().__init__(self.tag, **kwargs) # type: ignore self.append(*args) def _clone_node(self) -> 'Tag': """Need to copy class, not tag. So need to re-implement copy. """ clone = type(self)() for attr in self.attributes: clone.setAttribute(attr, self.getAttribute(attr)) for c in self.classList: clone.addClass(c) # TODO: should clone event listeners??? return clone __copy__ = _clone_node # need alias again @property def type(self) -> _AttrValueType: # noqa: D102 return self.getAttribute('type') or self.type_ @type.setter def type(self, val: str) -> None: # noqa: D102 self.setAttribute('type', val)
class NestedTag(Tag): """NestedTag class. Useful to make component made by nested, multiple tags. """ #: Inner nested tag class inner_tag_class = None # type: Type[Node] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: D102 self._inner_element = None super().__init__(**kwargs) if self.inner_tag_class: self._inner_element = self.inner_tag_class() super().appendChild(self._inner_element) self.append(*args) def appendChild(self, child: Node) -> Node: # noqa: D102 if self._inner_element: return self._inner_element.appendChild(child) return super().appendChild(child) def insertBefore(self, child: Node, ref_node: Node) -> Node: # noqa: D102 if self._inner_element: return self._inner_element.insertBefore(child, ref_node) return super().insertBefore(child, ref_node) def removeChild(self, child: Node) -> Node: # noqa: D102 if self._inner_element: return self._inner_element.removeChild(child) return super().removeChild(child) def replaceChild(self, new_child: Node, old_child: Node ) -> Node: # noqa: D102 if self._inner_element: return self._inner_element.replaceChild(new_child, old_child) return super().replaceChild(new_child, old_child) @property def childNodes(self) -> NodeList: # noqa: D102 if self._inner_element: return self._inner_element.childNodes return super().childNodes def empty(self) -> None: # noqa: D102 if self._inner_element: self._inner_element.empty() else: super().empty() @Tag.textContent.setter def textContent(self, text: str) -> None: # type: ignore """Set text content to inner node.""" if self._inner_element: self._inner_element.textContent = text else: # Need a trick to call property of super-class super().textContent = text # type: ignore @property def html(self) -> str: """Get whole html representation of this node.""" if self._inner_element: return self.start_tag + self._inner_element.html + self.end_tag return super().html @property def innerHTML(self) -> str: """Get innerHTML of the inner node.""" if self._inner_element: return self._inner_element.innerHTML return super().innerHTML @innerHTML.setter def innerHTML(self, html: str) -> None: """Set html to inner node.""" if self._inner_element: self._inner_element.innerHTML = html else: super().innerHTML = html # type: ignore
[docs]def NewTagClass(class_name: str, tag: str = None, bases: Union[type, Iterable] = (Tag, ), **kwargs: Any) -> type: """Generate and return new ``Tag`` class. If ``tag`` is empty, lower case of ``class_name`` is used for a tag name of the new class. ``bases`` should be a tuple of base classes. If it is empty, use ``Tag`` class for a base class. Other keyword arguments are used for class variables of the new class. Example:: MyButton = NewTagClass('MyButton', 'button', (Button,), class_='btn', is_='my-button') my_button = MyButton('Click!') print(my_button.html) >>> <button class="btn" id="111111111" is="my-button">Click!</button> """ if tag is None: tag = class_name.lower() if not isinstance(type, tuple): if isinstance(bases, Iterable): bases = tuple(bases) elif isinstance(bases, type): bases = (bases, ) else: TypeError('Invalid base class: {}'.format(str(bases))) kwargs['tag'] = tag # Here not use type() function, since it does not support # metaclasss (__prepare__) properly. cls = new_class( # type: ignore class_name, bases, {}, lambda ns: ns.update(kwargs)) return cls
[docs]class Input(Tag, HTMLInputElement): """Base class for ``<input>`` element.""" tag = 'input' #: type attribute; text, button, checkbox, or radio... and so on. type_ = '' def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: D102 if self.type_ and 'type' not in kwargs: kwargs['type'] = self.type_ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Textarea(Tag, HTMLTextAreaElement): # noqa: D204 """Base class for ``<textarea>`` element.""" tag = 'textarea' @property def value(self) -> str: """Get input value of this node. This value is used as a default value of this element. """ return self.textContent @value.setter def value(self, value: str) -> None: self.textContent = value
[docs]class Script(Tag, HTMLScriptElement): # noqa: D204 """Base class for <script> tag. Inner contents of this node is not escaped. """ tag = 'script' def __init__(self, *args: Any, type: str = 'text/javascript', **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: D102 super().__init__(*args, type=type, **kwargs)
Html = NewTagClass('Html') Body = NewTagClass('Body') Meta = NewTagClass('Meta') Head = NewTagClass('Head') Link = NewTagClass('Link') Title = NewTagClass('Title') Style = NewTagClass('Style', 'style', (Tag, HTMLStyleElement)) Iframe = NewTagClass('Iframe', 'iframe', (Tag, HTMLIFrameElement)) Div = NewTagClass('Div') Span = NewTagClass('Span') # Typography H1 = NewTagClass('H1') H2 = NewTagClass('H2') H3 = NewTagClass('H3') H4 = NewTagClass('H4') H5 = NewTagClass('H5') H6 = NewTagClass('H6') P = NewTagClass('P') A = NewTagClass('A', 'a', (Tag, HTMLAnchorElement)) Strong = NewTagClass('Strong') Em = NewTagClass('Em') U = NewTagClass('U') Br = NewTagClass('Br') Hr = NewTagClass('Hr') Cite = NewTagClass('Cite') Code = NewTagClass('Code') Pre = NewTagClass('Pre') Img = NewTagClass('Img') # table tags Table = NewTagClass('Table') Thead = NewTagClass('Thead') Tbody = NewTagClass('Tbody') Tfoot = NewTagClass('Tfoot') Th = NewTagClass('Th') Tr = NewTagClass('Tr') Td = NewTagClass('Td') # List tags Ol = NewTagClass('Ol') Ul = NewTagClass('Ul') Li = NewTagClass('Li') # Definition-list tags Dl = NewTagClass('Dl') Dt = NewTagClass('Dt') Dd = NewTagClass('Dd') # Form controls Form = NewTagClass('Form', 'form', (Tag, HTMLFormElement)) Button = NewTagClass('Button', 'button', (Tag, HTMLButtonElement)) Label = NewTagClass('Label', 'label', (Tag, HTMLLabelElement)) Optgroup = NewTagClass('Optgroup', 'optgroup', (Tag, HTMLOptGroupElement)) Option = NewTagClass('Option', 'option', (Tag, HTMLOptionElement)) Select = NewTagClass('Select', 'select', (Tag, HTMLSelectElement))
[docs]class RawHtmlNode(Tag): """Does not escape inner contents, similar to ``<script>`` tag. This node wraps contents by ``<div style="display: inline">...</div>`` and does not escape inner text. Similar to ``wdom.node.RawHtmlNode``, but the difference is this class wraps text by div tag. This enables to treat multi-tag html string as if it's single node. Useful for showing generated HTML contents, like markdown conversion result, graph plots, or HTML formatted reports. Usually faster than ``Tag.innerHTML = html``, since this node skips html parsing process to WdomElement. Example:: doc.body.appnd(RawHtml('<h1>Title</h1>')) .. note:: Inner html is not WdomElement, so you cant control them from python. """ tag = 'div' _should_escape_text = False def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Add ``display: inline`` style on div tag.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if 'display' not in'display', 'inline')
default_classes = ( Input, Textarea, Script, Html, Body, Meta, Head, Link, Title, Style, Div, Span, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, P, A, Strong, Em, U, Br, Hr, Cite, Code, Pre, Img, Table, Thead, Tbody, Tfoot, Th, Tr, Td, Ol, Ul, Li, Dl, Dt, Dd, Form, Button, Label, Optgroup, Option, Select, ) # alias OptGroup = Optgroup TextArea = Textarea