Source code for wdom.server

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Web server control functions."""

import os
import json
import logging
import asyncio
from typing import Any

from tornado import autoreload

from wdom.util import STATIC_DIR
from wdom.options import config
from wdom.server.base import exclude_patterns, open_browser, watch_dir
from wdom.server import _tornado as module

__all__ = (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_server = None
server_config = module.server_config
_msg_queue = []

def is_connected() -> bool:
    """Check if the current server has a client connection."""
    return module.is_connected()

def push_message(msg: dict) -> None:
    """Push message on the message queue."""

def send_message() -> None:
    """Send message via WS to all client connections."""
    if not _msg_queue:
    msg = json.dumps(_msg_queue)
    for conn in module.connections:

[docs]def add_static_path(prefix: str, path: str, no_watch: bool = False) -> None: """Add directory to serve static files. First argument ``prefix`` is a URL prefix for the ``path``. ``path`` must be a directory. If ``no_watch`` is True, any change of the files in the path do not trigger restart if ``--autoreload`` is enabled. """ app = get_app() app.add_static_path(prefix, path) if not no_watch: watch_dir(path)
[docs]def get_app() -> module.Application: """Get root web application object.""" return module.get_app()
async def _message_loop() -> None: while True: send_message() await asyncio.sleep(config.message_wait)
[docs]def start_server(address: str = None, port: int = None, check_time: int = 500, **kwargs: Any) -> module.HTTPServer: """Start web server on ``address:port``. Use wrapper function :func:`start` instead. :arg str address: address of the server [default: localhost]. :arg int port: tcp port of the server [default: 8888]. :arg int check_time: millisecondes to wait until reload browser when autoreload is enabled [default: 500]. """ # Add application's static files directory from wdom.document import get_document add_static_path('_static', STATIC_DIR) doc = get_document() if os.path.exists(doc.tempdir): add_static_path('tmp', doc.tempdir, no_watch=True) if doc._autoreload or config.autoreload or config.debug: autoreload.start(check_time=check_time) global _server _server = module.start_server(address=address, port=port, **kwargs)'Start server on {0}:{1:d}'.format( server_config['address'], server_config['port'])) # start messaging loop asyncio.ensure_future(_message_loop()) if config.open_browser: open_browser('http://{}:{}/'.format(server_config['address'], server_config['port']), config.browser) return _server
[docs]def stop_server(server: module.HTTPServer = None) -> None: """Terminate web server.""" module.stop_server(server or _server)
[docs]def start(**kwargs: Any) -> None: """Start web server. Run until ``Ctrl-c`` pressed, or if auto-shutdown is enabled, until when all browser windows are closed. This function accepts keyword areguments same as :func:`start_server` and all arguments passed to it. """ start_server(**kwargs) try: asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: stop_server()