Source code for wdom.element

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Conclete implemententions for Element node."""

from collections import OrderedDict, UserDict
import html as html_
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List
from typing import MutableSequence, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from weakref import WeakSet, WeakValueDictionary
from xml.etree.ElementTree import HTML_EMPTY  # type: ignore

from wdom.css import CSSStyleDeclaration
from wdom.event import EventTarget, Event
from wdom.node import AbstractNode, Node, ParentNode, NonDocumentTypeChildNode
from wdom.node import DocumentFragment, NodeList, ChildNode
from wdom.parser import FragmentParser

    from typing import MutableMapping  # noqa

_AttrValueType = Union[List[str], str, int, bool, CSSStyleDeclaration, None]

[docs]class DOMTokenList(MutableSequence[str]): """Collection of DOM token strings. DOM token is a string which does not contain spases. This class is mainly used for class list. """ def __init__(self, owner: Union[Node, Type['HTMLElement']], *args: Union[str, 'DOMTokenList']) -> None: """Initialize with owner node (maybe type of node) and initial values. :arg owner: Node/Node-class which has this collection. :arg args: space-separated string or iterable of tokens. """ self._list = list() # type: List[str] self._owner = owner self._append(args) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._list) def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: return item in self._list def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: for token in self._list: yield token def _validate_token(self, token: str) -> None: if not isinstance(token, str): raise TypeError( 'Token must be str, but {} passed.'.format(type(token))) if ' ' in token: raise ValueError( 'Token contains space characters, which are invalid.') def _append(self, token: Union[Iterable, str]) -> None: if isinstance(token, str): for t in token.split(' '): self.add(t) elif isinstance(token, Iterable): for t in token: self._append(t) elif token is None: pass else: raise TypeError def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice] # type: ignore ) -> Optional[str]: if isinstance(index, slice): TypeError('slicing is not supported.') elif 0 <= index < len(self._list): return self._list[index] return None def __setitem__(self, s, item) -> None: # type: ignore raise NotImplementedError def __delitem__(self, index: int) -> None: # type: ignore raise NotImplementedError @property def length(self) -> int: """Get number of DOM token in this list.""" return self.__len__()
[docs] def add(self, *tokens: str) -> None: """Add new tokens to list.""" from wdom.web_node import WdomElement _new_tokens = [] for token in tokens: self._validate_token(token) if token and token not in self: self._list.append(token) _new_tokens.append(token) if isinstance(self._owner, WdomElement) and _new_tokens: self._owner.js_exec('addClass', _new_tokens) # type: ignore
[docs] def remove(self, *tokens: str) -> None: """Remove tokens from list.""" from wdom.web_node import WdomElement _removed_tokens = [] for token in tokens: self._validate_token(token) if token in self: self._list.remove(token) _removed_tokens.append(token) if isinstance(self._owner, WdomElement) and _removed_tokens: self._owner.js_exec('removeClass', _removed_tokens) # type: ignore
[docs] def toggle(self, token: str) -> None: """Add or remove token to/from list. If token is in this list, the token will be removed. Otherwise add it to list. """ self._validate_token(token) if token in self: self.remove(token) else: self.add(token)
[docs] def item(self, index: int) -> Optional[str]: """Return the token of the ``index``. ``index`` must be 0 or positive integer. If index is out of range, return None. """ return self[index]
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, item: str) -> None: """Not implemented.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def contains(self, token: str) -> bool: """Return if the token is in the list or not.""" self._validate_token(token) return token in self
[docs] def toString(self) -> str: """Return string representation of this list. Actually it will be a spase-separated tokens. """ return ' '.join(self)
[docs]class Attr: """Attribute node. In the latest DOM specification, Attr interface does not inherits ``Node`` interface. (Previously, Attr inherited Node interface.) """ def __init__(self, name: str, value: _AttrValueType = None, owner: Node = None) -> None: """Initialize this attribute. :arg str name: property name. :arg _AttrValueType value: attribute value. :arg Node owner: owner node of this attribute (optional). """ self._name = name.lower() self._value = value self._owner = owner @property def html(self) -> str: """Return string representation of this. Used in start tag of HTML representation of the Element node. """ if self._owner and in self._owner._special_attr_boolean: return else: value = self.value if isinstance(value, str): value = html_.escape(value) return '{name}="{value}"'.format(, value=value) @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of this attr.""" return self._name @property def value(self) -> _AttrValueType: """Value of this attr.""" return self._value or '' @value.setter def value(self, val: str) -> None: self._value = val @property def isId(self) -> bool: """Return True if this Attr is an ID node (name is ``id``).""" return == 'id'
class DraggableAttr(Attr): """Attribute node class for draggable attribute.""" @property def html(self) -> str: """Return html representation.""" if isinstance(self.value, bool): val = 'true' if self.value else 'false' else: val = str(self.value) return 'draggable="{}"'.format(val)
[docs]class NamedNodeMap(UserDict): """Collection of Attr objects.""" def __init__(self, owner: Node) -> None: """Initialize with owner node. :arg Node owner: owner node of this object. """ self._owner = owner self._dict = OrderedDict() # type: OrderedDict[str, Attr] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._dict) def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: return item in self._dict def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[Attr]: if isinstance(index, int): return tuple(self._dict.values())[index] return None def __setitem__(self, attr: str, item: Attr) -> None: self._dict[attr] = item def __delitem__(self, attr: str) -> None: del self._dict[attr] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: for attr in self._dict.keys(): yield attr @property def length(self) -> int: """Return number of Attrs in this collection.""" return len(self)
[docs] def getNamedItem(self, name: str) -> Optional[Attr]: """Get ``Attr`` object which has ``name``. If does not have ``name`` attr, return None. """ return self._dict.get(name, None)
[docs] def setNamedItem(self, item: Attr) -> None: """Set ``Attr`` object in this collection.""" from wdom.web_node import WdomElement if not isinstance(item, Attr): raise TypeError('item must be an instance of Attr') if isinstance(self._owner, WdomElement): self._owner.js_exec('setAttribute',, # type: ignore item.value) self._dict[] = item item._owner = self._owner
[docs] def removeNamedItem(self, item: Attr) -> Optional[Attr]: """Set ``Attr`` object and return it (if exists).""" from wdom.web_node import WdomElement if not isinstance(item, Attr): raise TypeError('item must be an instance of Attr') if isinstance(self._owner, WdomElement): self._owner.js_exec('removeAttribute', removed_item = self._dict.pop(, None) if removed_item: removed_item._owner = self._owner return removed_item
[docs] def item(self, index: int) -> Optional[Attr]: """Return ``index``-th attr node.""" if 0 <= index < len(self): return self._dict[tuple(self._dict.keys())[index]] return None
[docs] def toString(self) -> str: """Return string representation of collections.""" return ' '.join(attr.html for attr in self._dict.values())
class ElementParser(FragmentParser): """HTML Parser class whose default nodes are ``Element``.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: D102 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.default_class = Element class HTMLElementParser(ElementParser): """HTML Parser class whose default nodes are ``HTMLElement``.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: D102 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.default_class = HTMLElement _str_attr_doc = ''' Getter: Get value of ``{attr}`` attribute of this element, as string. If `{attr}` is not defined, return empty string. Setter: Set the value of ``{attr}`` attribute of this element. Deleter: Remove ``{attr}`` attribute from this element. ''' _bool_attr_doc = ''' Getter: Return True if this element has ``{attr}`` attribute. Otherwise return False. Setter: If True, add ``{attr}`` attribute to this element. Otherwise remove ``{attr}``. Deleter: Remove ``{attr}`` attribute from this element. ''' def _string_properties(attr: str) -> property: def getter(self: Node) -> str: return self.getAttribute(attr) or '' def setter(self: Node, value: str) -> None: self.setAttribute(attr, str(value)) def deleter(self: Node) -> None: self.removeAttribute(attr) return property(getter, setter, deleter, _str_attr_doc.format(attr=attr)) def _boolean_properties(attr: str) -> property: def getter(self: Node) -> bool: return bool(self.getAttribute(attr)) def setter(self: Node, value: bool) -> None: if value: self.setAttribute(attr, True) else: self.removeAttribute(attr) def deleter(self: Node) -> None: self.removeAttribute(attr) return property(getter, setter, deleter, _bool_attr_doc.format(attr=attr)) class ElementMeta(type): """Metaclass for Element class.""" def __new__(cls: type, name: str, bases: Tuple[type], namespace: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> type: """Add special properties to new class.""" for attr in namespace.get('_special_attr_string', []): namespace[attr] = _string_properties(attr) for attr in namespace.get('_special_attr_boolean', []): namespace[attr] = _boolean_properties(attr) new_cls = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dict(namespace)) return new_cls def getElementsBy(start_node: ParentNode, cond: Callable[['Element'], bool]) -> NodeList: """Return list of child elements of start_node which matches ``cond``. ``cond`` must be a function which gets a single argument ``Element``, and returns boolean. If the node matches requested condition, ``cond`` should return True. This searches all child elements recursively. :arg ParentNode start_node: :arg cond: Callable[[Element], bool] :rtype: NodeList[Element] """ elements = [] for child in start_node.children: if cond(child): elements.append(child) elements.extend(child.getElementsBy(cond)) return NodeList(elements) def getElementsByTagName(start_node: ParentNode, tag: str) -> NodeList: """Get child nodes which tag name is ``tag``.""" _tag = tag.upper() return getElementsBy(start_node, lambda node: node.tagName == _tag) def getElementsByClassName(start_node: ParentNode, class_name: str ) -> NodeList: """Get child nodes which has ``class_name`` class attribute.""" classes = set(class_name.split(' ')) return getElementsBy( start_node, lambda node: classes.issubset(set(node.classList)) )
[docs]class Element(Node, EventTarget, ParentNode, NonDocumentTypeChildNode, ChildNode, metaclass=ElementMeta): """Element base class.""" nodeType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE nodeValue = None _parser_class = ElementParser # type: Type[ElementParser] _element_buffer = WeakSet() # type: WeakSet[Node] _elements_with_id = WeakValueDictionary() # type: MutableMapping _should_escape_text = True _special_attr_string = ['id'] _special_attr_boolean = [] # type: List[str] getElementsBy = getElementsBy getElementsByTagName = getElementsByTagName getElementsByClassName = getElementsByClassName def __init__(self, tag: str='', parent: Node = None, _registered: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Initialize. :arg str tag: HTML tag of this node. :arg Node parent: Parent node of this node. :arg bool _registered: Is registered to CustomElementRegistry. :arg kwargs: key-value pair of attributes. """ super().__init__(parent=parent) self._registered = _registered self.tag = tag self._element_buffer.add(self) # used to suport custom elements self.attributes = NamedNodeMap(self) self.classList = DOMTokenList(self) if 'class_' in kwargs: kwargs['class'] = kwargs.pop('class_') if 'is_' in kwargs: kwargs['is'] = kwargs.pop('is_') for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.setAttribute(k, v) def _clone_node(self) -> 'Element': clone = type(self)(self.tag) for attr in self.attributes: clone.setAttribute(attr, self.getAttribute(attr)) # TODO: should clone event listeners??? return clone def _get_attrs_by_string(self) -> str: # attrs = ' '.join(attr.html for attr in self.attributes.values()) attrs = self.attributes.toString() classes = self.getAttribute('class') if classes: attrs = ' '.join((attrs.strip(), 'class="{}"'.format(classes))) return attrs.strip() @property def start_tag(self) -> str: """Return HTML start tag.""" tag = '<' + self.tag attrs = self._get_attrs_by_string() if attrs: tag = ' '.join((tag, attrs)) return tag + '>' @property def end_tag(self) -> str: """Return HTML end tag.""" return '</{}>'.format(self.tag) def _parse_html(self, html: str) -> DocumentFragment: parser = self._parser_class() parser.feed(html) return parser.root def _get_inner_html(self) -> str: return ''.join(child.html for child in self.childNodes) def _set_inner_html(self, html: str) -> None: self._empty() self._append_child(self._parse_html(html)) @property def innerHTML(self) -> str: """Return HTML representation of child nodes.""" return self._get_inner_html() @innerHTML.setter def innerHTML(self, html: str) -> None: """Remove all child nodes and set ``html`` as new contents. ``html`` is parsed to ``Element`` nodes and set as child nodes. """ self._set_inner_html(html) @property def html(self) -> str: """Return HTML representation of this node.""" return self.start_tag + self.innerHTML + self.end_tag
[docs] def insertAdjacentHTML(self, position: str, html: str) -> None: """Parse ``html`` to DOM and insert to ``position``. ``position`` is a case-insensive string, and must be one of "beforeBegin", "afterBegin", "beforeEnd", or "afterEnd". """ df = self._parse_html(html) pos = position.lower() if pos == 'beforebegin': self.before(df) elif pos == 'afterbegin': self.prepend(df) elif pos == 'beforeend': self.append(df) elif pos == 'afterend': self.after(df) else: raise ValueError( 'The value provided ({}) is not one of "beforeBegin", ' '"afterBegin", "beforeEnd", or "afterEnd".'.format(position) )
@property def outerHTML(self) -> str: """Return html representation of this node. Equivalent to ``self.html``. """ return self.html @property def nodeName(self) -> str: # type: ignore """Return tag name (capital case).""" return self.tag.upper() @property def tagName(self) -> str: """Return tag name (capital case).""" return self.tag.upper() @property def localName(self) -> str: """Return tag name (lower case).""" return self.tag.lower() @property def className(self) -> str: """Get/Set class name as/by string.""" return self.getAttribute('class') or '' # type: ignore @className.setter def className(self, new_class: str) -> None: if not isinstance(new_class, str): raise TypeError('className must be str.') self.setAttribute('class', new_class)
[docs] def getAttribute(self, attr: str) -> _AttrValueType: """Get attribute of this node as string format. If this node does not have ``attr``, return None. """ if attr == 'class': if self.classList: return self.classList.toString() return None attr_node = self.getAttributeNode(attr) if attr_node is None: return None return attr_node.value
[docs] def getAttributeNode(self, attr: str) -> Optional[Attr]: """Get attribute of this node as Attr format. If this node does not have ``attr``, return None. """ return self.attributes.getNamedItem(attr)
[docs] def hasAttribute(self, attr: str) -> bool: """Return True if this node has ``attr``.""" if attr == 'class': return bool(self.classList) return attr in self.attributes
[docs] def hasAttributes(self) -> bool: """Return True if this node has any attributes.""" return bool(self.attributes) or bool(self.classList)
def _set_attribute_class(self, value: _AttrValueType) -> None: if isinstance(value, str): self.classList = DOMTokenList(self, value) elif isinstance(value, Iterable): self.classList = DOMTokenList(self, *value) else: raise TypeError( 'class attribute must be str, ' 'but got {}'.format(type(value)) ) def _change_id(self, value: _AttrValueType) -> None: if 'id' in self.attributes: # remove old reference to self self._elements_with_id.pop(, None) # register this elements with new id if isinstance(value, (int, str)): self._elements_with_id[value] = self else: raise TypeError( 'id attribute must be int or integer-string.' ) def _set_attribute(self, attr: str, value: _AttrValueType) -> None: if attr == 'class': self._set_attribute_class(value) else: if attr == 'id': self._change_id(value) if not attr == 'draggable': attr_cls = Attr else: attr_cls = DraggableAttr new_attr_node = attr_cls(attr, value) self.setAttributeNode(new_attr_node)
[docs] def setAttribute(self, attr: str, value: _AttrValueType) -> None: """Set ``attr`` and ``value`` in this node.""" self._set_attribute(attr, value)
[docs] def setAttributeNode(self, attr: Attr) -> None: """Set ``Attr`` node as this node's attribute.""" self.attributes.setNamedItem(attr)
def _remove_attribute(self, attr: str) -> None: if attr == 'class': self.classList = DOMTokenList(self) else: if attr == 'id': self._elements_with_id.pop(, None) _attr = self.getAttributeNode(attr) if _attr: self.attributes.removeNamedItem(_attr)
[docs] def removeAttribute(self, attr: str) -> None: """Remove ``attr`` from this node.""" self._remove_attribute(attr)
[docs] def removeAttributeNode(self, attr: Attr) -> Optional[Attr]: """Remove ``Attr`` node from this node.""" return self.attributes.removeNamedItem(attr)
[docs]class HTMLElement(Element): """Base class for HTMLElement. This class extends `Element` class with some HTML specific features. """ _special_attr_string = ['title', 'type'] _special_attr_boolean = ['hidden'] _parser_class = HTMLElementParser # type: Type[ElementParser] def __init__(self, *args: Any, style: str=None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: # noqa: D102 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__style = CSSStyleDeclaration(style, owner=self) def _get_attrs_by_string(self) -> str: attrs = super()._get_attrs_by_string() style = self.getAttribute('style') if style: attrs += ' style="{}"'.format(style) return attrs.strip() def _clone_node(self) -> 'HTMLElement': clone = super()._clone_node() return clone @property def end_tag(self) -> str: """Retrun html end tag. If tag is empty tag like <img> or <br>, return empty string. """ if self.tag in HTML_EMPTY: return '' return super().end_tag @property def style(self) -> CSSStyleDeclaration: """Return style attribute of this node.""" return self.__style @style.setter def style(self, style: _AttrValueType) -> None: """Set style attribute of this node. If argument ``style`` is string, it will be parsed to ``CSSStyleDeclaration``. """ if isinstance(style, str): self.__style._parse_str(style) elif style is None: self.__style._parse_str('') elif isinstance(style, CSSStyleDeclaration): self.__style._owner = None if style._owner is not None: new_style = CSSStyleDeclaration(owner=self) new_style.update(style) self.__style = new_style else: # always making new decl may be better style._owner = self self.__style = style else: raise TypeError('Invalid type for style: {}'.format(type(style))) @property def draggable(self) -> Union[bool, str]: """Get ``draggable`` property.""" if not self.hasAttribute('draggable'): return False return self.getAttribute('draggable') # type: ignore @draggable.setter def draggable(self, value: Union[bool, str]) -> None: """Set ``draggable`` property. ``value`` is boolean or string. """ if value is False: self.removeAttribute('draggable') else: self.setAttribute('draggable', value) def getAttribute(self, attr: str) -> _AttrValueType: # noqa: D102 if attr == 'style': # if style is neither None nor empty, return None # otherwise, return style.cssText if return return None return super().getAttribute(attr) def _set_attribute(self, attr: str, value: _AttrValueType) -> None: if attr == 'style': = value # type: ignore else: super()._set_attribute(attr, value) # type: ignore def _remove_attribute(self, attr: str) -> None: if attr == 'style': = None # type: ignore else: super()._remove_attribute(attr) # type: ignore
class FormControlMixin(AbstractNode): """Mixin class for FormControl classes.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, form: Union[str, 'HTMLFormElement'] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """``form`` is a ``HTMLFormElement`` object or id of it.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore self.__form = None from wdom.document import getElementById if isinstance(form, str): form = getElementById(form) if isinstance(form, HTMLFormElement): self.__form = form elif form is not None: raise TypeError( '"form" attribute must be an HTMLFormElement or id of' 'HTMLFormElement in the same document.' ) @property def form(self) -> Optional['HTMLFormElement']: """Get ``HTMLFormElement`` object related to this node.""" if self.__form: return self.__form parent = self.parentNode while parent: if isinstance(parent, HTMLFormElement): return parent else: parent = parent.parentNode return None
[docs]class HTMLAnchorElement(HTMLElement): # noqa: D204 """HTMLAnchorElement class (<a></a> tag).""" _special_attr_string = ['href', 'name', 'rel', 'src', 'target']
[docs]class HTMLButtonElement(HTMLElement): # noqa: D204 """HTMLButtonElement class (<button></button> tag).""" _special_attr_string = ['name', 'value'] _special_attr_boolean = ['disabled']
[docs]class HTMLFormElement(HTMLElement): # noqa: D204 """HTMLFormElement class (<form></form> tag).""" _special_attr_string = ['name']
[docs]class HTMLIFrameElement(HTMLElement): # noqa: D204 """HTMLIFrameElement class (<iframe></iframe> tag).""" _special_attr_string = ['height', 'name', 'src', 'target', 'width']
[docs]class HTMLInputElement(HTMLElement, FormControlMixin): """HTMLInputElement class (<input></input> tag).""" _special_attr_string = ['height', 'name', 'src', 'value', 'width'] _special_attr_boolean = ['checked', 'disabled', 'multiple', 'readonly', 'required']
[docs] def on_event_pre(self, e: Event) -> None: """Set values set on browser before calling event listeners.""" super().on_event_pre(e) ct_msg = e.init.get('currentTarget', dict()) if e.type in ('input', 'change'): # Update user inputs if self.type.lower() == 'checkbox': self._set_attribute('checked', ct_msg.get('checked')) elif self.type.lower() == 'radio': self._set_attribute('checked', ct_msg.get('checked')) for other in self._find_grouped_nodes(): if other is not self: other._remove_attribute('checked') else: self._set_attribute('value', ct_msg.get('value'))
@property def defaultChecked(self) -> bool: """Property is this control checked by default.""" return bool(self.getAttribute('defaultChecked')) @defaultChecked.setter def defaultChecked(self, value: bool) -> None: if value: self.setAttribute('defaultChecked', True) self.checked = True else: self.removeAttribute('defaultChecked') self.checked = False @property def defaultValue(self) -> _AttrValueType: """Defatul value of this node.""" return self.getAttribute('defaultValue') @defaultValue.setter def defaultValue(self, value: str) -> None: self.setAttribute('defaultValue', value) self.value = value def _is_same_group(self, node: Element) -> bool: tag = self.tagName name = self.getAttribute('name') return (tag == node.tagName and node is not self and name == node.getAttribute('name')) def _find_root(self) -> Node: doc = self.ownerDocument if doc is not None: return doc p = self while p.parentNode is not None: p = p.parentNode return p def _find_grouped_nodes(self) -> NodeList: p = self._find_root() return p.getElementsBy(self._is_same_group)
[docs]class HTMLLabelElement(HTMLElement, FormControlMixin): """HTMLLabelElement class (<label></label> tag).""" @property def htmlFor(self) -> _AttrValueType: """Retrun ``for`` attribute value.""" return self.getAttribute('for') @htmlFor.setter def htmlFor(self, value: str) -> None: self.setAttribute('for', value) @property def control(self) -> Optional[HTMLElement]: """Return related HTMLElement object.""" id = self.getAttribute('for') if id: if self.ownerDocument: return self.ownerDocument.getElementById(id) elif isinstance(id, str): from wdom.document import getElementById return getElementById(id) else: raise TypeError('"for" attribute must be string') return None
[docs]class HTMLOptGroupElement(HTMLElement, FormControlMixin): # noqa: D204 """HTMLOptionElement class (<optgroup></optgroup> tag).""" _special_attr_string = ['label'] _special_attr_boolean = ['disabled']
[docs]class HTMLOptionElement(HTMLElement, FormControlMixin): # noqa: D204 """HTMLOptionElement class (<option></option> tag).""" _special_attr_string = ['label', 'value'] _special_attr_boolean = ['defaultSelected', 'disabled', 'selected']
[docs]class HTMLScriptElement(HTMLElement): # noqa: D204 """HTMLScriptElement class (<script></script> tag). In this tag, all inner contents are not escaped. """ _special_attr_string = ['charset', 'src'] _special_attr_boolean = ['async', 'defer'] _should_escape_text = False
[docs]class HTMLSelectElement(HTMLElement, FormControlMixin): """HTMLSelectElement class (<select></select> tag).""" _special_attr_string = ['name', 'size', 'value'] _special_attr_boolean = ['disabled', 'multiple', 'required'] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: D102 self._selected_options = [] # type: List[str] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def on_event_pre(self, e: Event) -> None: """Set values set on browser before calling event listeners.""" super().on_event_pre(e) ct_msg = e.init.get('currentTarget', dict()) if e.type in ('input', 'change'): self._set_attribute('value', ct_msg.get('value')) _selected = ct_msg.get('selectedOptions', []) self._selected_options.clear() for opt in self.options: if opt.wdom_id in _selected: self._selected_options.append(opt) opt._set_attribute('selected', True) else: opt._remove_attribute('selected')
@property def length(self) -> int: """Return number of options in this node.""" return len(self.options) @property def options(self) -> NodeList: """Return all option nodes in this node.""" return self.getElementsByTagName('option') @property def selectedOptions(self) -> NodeList: """Return all selected option nodes.""" return NodeList(list(opt for opt in self.options if opt.selected))
[docs]class HTMLStyleElement(HTMLElement): # noqa: D204 """HTMLStyleElement class (<style></style> tag). In this tag, all inner contents are not escaped. """ _special_attr_boolean = ['disabled', 'scoped'] _should_escape_text = False
[docs]class HTMLTextAreaElement(HTMLElement, FormControlMixin): # noqa: D204 """HTMLTextAreaElement class (<textarea></textarea> tag).""" _special_attr_string = ['height', 'name', 'src', 'value', 'width'] _special_attr_boolean = ['disabled'] defaultValue = HTMLElement.textContent
[docs] def on_event_pre(self, e: Event) -> None: """Set values set on browser before calling event listeners.""" super().on_event_pre(e) ct_msg = e.init.get('currentTarget', dict()) if e.type in ('input', 'change'): # Update user inputs self._set_text_content(ct_msg.get('value') or '')